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6 Great Podcast for Writers

Podcasts for WritiersThese days there’s a podcast for everything and writing is no exception. It seems that some writers are taking a break from the pen and picking up the microphone instead. This is great news for the rest of us, as podcasts are great way to stay informed on a specific area while on the go.

Below are 6 great podcasts related to writing that we’ve enjoyed:

Writing Excuses: This podcast covers a wide range of writing related themes. This is a weekly podcast brought to you by Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells and Howard Tayler.

The podcast episodes are available in mp3 format for downloading and can also be playing online via Writing Excuses website.

Grammar Girl - Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing: The title says it all. Brought to you by Mignon Fogarty, this is a regularly updated podcast that can only be played online.

I Should Be Writing: Focusing on fiction based writing topics; Mur Lafferty provides new podcast episodes about once a week. Podcast episodes are available for download, online streaming and via iTunes.

Mur also has recorded a popular podiobook called Playing for Keeps, which is available for free download.

Writers on Writing: Brought to you by Barbara DeMarco-Barrett and Marrie Stone, this weekly show is actually a radio program that is later released as a podcast. You can download the podcast via their website, listen to them live at or even listen to it on your radio if you happen to live in Orange County, CA, at 88.9.

The Creative Penn: This podcast concentrates on book marketing and self publishing. It’s available for download or can be played online. If you’re new to self publishing, this definitely a great podcast to help you learn the ropes.

The Writing Show: One of the longest running podcasts on writing, Paula Berinstein has been producing this show since 2005. It’s available for download or via itunes.

Do you know of any other good podcast not listed here? If you do, please leave a comment and lets us know.

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